NHS Heroes

Our Heroes
At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic we requested donations to support our frontline NHS staff and their patients.
Thanks to a quick response from individuals, community groups and corporate donors, we were able to fund Care Boxes for staff working on the frontline and 80 iPads for patients on Covid-19 positive wards, who were unable to have visits from friends and family.
With hope of Covid-19 cases slowing in the summer we turned our efforts to supporting our NHS heroes recover, however, we found ourselves yet again in lockdown, with cases at a higher rate than they were the previous spring.
If you can, support your NHS heroes by making a donation either online or through text to donate*
To donate £3 text NHSHEROES 3 to 70480
To donate £5 text NHSHEROES 5 to 70480
To donate £10 text NHSHEROES 10 to 70480
*Texts cost the donation amount (£) plus one standard rate message
“Our hospital staff have faced the toughest of challenges over the course of this pandemic, risking their own mental and physical health to look after us all.
Just knowing that you care enough to donate and support them, helps them to keep going and to treat our loved ones suffering from Covid-19, holding the hand of far too many of them as they pass away.
We would all like to thank you for your amazing support.”
Jo O’Sullivan, UHCW Charity Director
Thank You to our NHS Heroes!

Get in Touch
UHCW Charity Hub
Main Reception
University Hospital
Clifford Bridge Road
Coventry, CV2 2DX
Let's Talk
024 7696 6913
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